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NFB of Minnesota Scholarship Application

A list of frequently asked questions (opens in new tab) provides more information on specific points about the scholarships and the award process. For further information, please contact Lori Anderson at or 612-270-4381.

We reserve the right to require a statement from a professional in eye care, a medical doctor, or a professional in the education or rehabilitation of blind persons that you are legally blind.

Attach two letters of recommendation (PDF, rtf, doc, docx, or txt) or send via email to

NFB scholarships are awarded on the basis of scholastic excellence and community/campus service and leadership. In an essay, discuss the goals you have for the future as well as your academic and community activities. Tell us about yourself and why you are a deserving recipient of the scholarship. Since the awards are restricted to legally blind people, the committee will also be interested in the techniques you use to succeed as a student who is blind.

Attach an essay discussing goals, academic and community activities, and techniques you use as a blind student (PDF, rtf, doc, docx, or txt) or send via email to
Please attach (PDF, rtf, doc or docx, 1MB max) up to three of your most recent transcripts, or send them to

We reserve the right to request official transcripts before scholarships are awarded.

Interview with Committee Member: All applicants will be contacted by phone by a member of the scholarship committee. This interview will enable the committee to learn more about you and your goals for the future. The interviews will be conducted after the application deadline.

By submitting this application, you are also stating that the information you are providing is accurate.

Thank you for your interest. For further information, please contact Lori Anderson at or 612-270-4381.